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5 Easy Ways You Can Have A Real Impact On Climate Change

Photo of a forest, used to illustrate 5 Easy Ways You Can Have A Real Impact On Climate Change blog post.

This article, 5 Easy Ways You Can Have A Real Impact On Climate Change, is a guest post written by ClientEarth

ClientEarth is an environmental law charity with a bold ambition – to use the power of our laws to protect all life on Earth. They work in over 50 countries with legal interventions to help communities protect forests, challenge governments to meet their environmental obligations and drive systemic change for a brighter, healthier future. Read about why The Better Business Network supports ClientEarth here.

Even though the challenge of tackling climate change seems daunting, there are actions we can all take to send a clear message to political and business leaders that we need them to take urgent and bold action to protect our future.

5 Ways You Can Push For Positive Climate Action

  1. Email or write to your MP: As a UK voter, your MP has a duty to represent your interests and concerns in Parliament. The greater the number of people and businesses who write into their MP about an issue, the greater the chance that MP will champion that issue on your behalf. The greater the number of MPs championing an issue, the greater the pressure on the UK Government to take those concerns seriously. When writing to your MP, it is important to convey your concerns politely, in your authentic voice, and to ask your MP what their own position is on the issue, rather than the Government’s position. Crucially – it is always helpful to link wider concerns about the environment to something that is happening in your own local community. 
  2. Talk to your friends, family or colleagues about climate change: We need to talk about climate change more than ever. Day-to-day conversations between friends, family or colleagues can make all the difference. We know it can be difficult to have a conversation about climate change. It’s not easy to push back against strong opinions, or find the confidence to speak up about what you care about. In our Guide to Having Climate Conversations, you’ll find five key tactics to having climate conversations plus useful resources to help you speak up for our planet. Together, we can be a united voice and change opinions about “business as usual” to encourage actions that are better for people and planet.
  3. Check where your pension is being invested: Your pension is possibly your greatest contribution to the financial system and it may be invested in industries that are fuelling the climate crisis.  Understanding how your pension contributes to the climate crisis and demanding it is part of the solution is one of the single most impactful things you can do, both for the planet and for yourself. The climate crisis is not only severely damaging our planet but also means your pension may be worth less when you come to need it. Therefore, climate change is considered as a significant financial risk to your pension and your pension provider has a legal responsibility to ensure that those risks are taken into account. 
  4. Spot greenwashing: It has never been more urgent for companies everywhere to be more environmentally sustainable and respond to global climate goals. Yet the advertising of those companies most responsible for climate change and environmental damage is misleading the public about their climate progress. From fossil fuel companies to food and fashion, you can spot those that are buying a good reputation from those that are genuinely doing good. 
  5. And don’t be afraid to ask questions about their claims:  As an individual you have a role in driving climate action from businesses. You can email or write to a company and ask for evidence of what they’re doing to be more sustainable. Increasing the pressure on businesses such as major supermarkets and fashion retailers can lead to big changes and a positive impact on climate change. 

Support ClientEarth To Make A Positive Impact On Climate Change 

Donating to ClientEarth means helping us to use the power of law to change the system for a brighter, healthier future. We empower people to protect their environment and rebalance the power between governments, industry and individuals. We have saved Europe’s oldest forest from destruction, smoothed the way for environmental lawsuits in China, and helped communities in Africa’s last great rainforest cut illegal logging. With your help, we can do more. Because a future in which people and planet thrive together isn’t just possible: it’s essential.

Please donate to ClientEarth or share their amazing stories of success in making a positive impact on climate change; helping protect people and the planet, today and every day.

Find out more on and follow them on social media: @ClientEarth on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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