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Launching Peer Mentoring Sessions!

This Summer the Better Business Network launched our monthly Peer Mentoring sessions on the last Friday of each month, as part of our member only service. 

If you are already a member, register for the next Peer mentoring session here. If you’re not a member you can apply to become one here

Members have access to our online members area with hundreds of tools and resources, slack community and weekly digest. On top of this we are constantly putting on events in person and online to add value to their membership To learn more about what our members have to say about their experience within the BBN, check out our member testimonials 

The first Peer Mentoring session took place in July where Regenerative Business Mentor, Jannine Barron, facilitated a mentoring process that inspired and ignited practical solutions to real business dilemmas – She helps purpose-led business owners experience and apply regenerative thinking to their businesses so they can build a legacy of impact as well as success.

There was plenty of inspiration, action taking, collaboration, connection and ideas – And don’t we all need a bit of that some weeks! Keep reading to learn more about how it works and member feedback from our last session. 





  1. The sessions run for 60 minutes
    2. The session kicks off with Mentees providing 15 minutes of learning to the group.
  2. Mentees will then be  in the HOTSEAT for the rest of the session where they will receive live mentoring from Jannine and attendees
  3. You can apply anytime using the Application Form above (when more than one request is received, a draw will occur and a random member selected.)
    5. Any member can attend as the mentee or observer
    6. The mentee of the month chooses an INTUITION OR ACCOUNTABILITY method
    7. The rest of us follow along or learn from the person in the hotseat

Our first ‘Hotseat-er’ was Rebecca Heaps from Tentshare who gained valuable collective feedback from the group that she was able to then implement into her business strategy going forward. 




So if you are procrastinating, experiencing a loss of confidence, need clients, marketing
help or have a strategy questions, bring them to a Peer Mentoring Session. They’re guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired and help you become unstuck!

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