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Nature North and Better Business Network: Collaborating for Nature Recovery in the North of England

Event date: January 19th – 10:00 – 15:00

*Please note: All proceeds go to Nature North and Lancashire Wildlife trust, The BBN make no money from these sales 

Written by: Steph Hepworth, Nature North

Nature North want to see more, better and connected nature across the north of England, which will reverse biodiversity declines, improve the natural resources of our region and transform the lives of people who live here. It is led by a consortium of the leading conservation organisations, joining forces to foster green growth in the region.

We’re A Platform for Collaboration

When I joined Nature North, I knew it would offer an opportunity to engage with people both within conservation and outside of this world, bringing together those working to do great things in other sectors. It was remarkably easy to connect with people who shared a passion for nature and sustainability, from business, culture, health, education and elsewhere, and the discussions quickly evolved into meaningful collaborations. The Better Business Network were one those groups who we made an early link with – it was a brilliant match.

Maximising Impact for All

The big question we face as a society is how to ensure that our transition toward working in harmony with natural systems, and reducing and mitigating our impact, delivers the maximum benefit to people, communities, businesses, nature, and the climate. The answer isn’t straightforward and each sector has unique challenges, but one thing is clear: we cannot achieve this in isolation. It requires a collective effort, with each of us playing a role.

The Better Business Summit brings together hundreds of purpose-driven individuals, change-makers, and innovators and inspires businesses to take action. I saw this as an unmissable opportunity to bring people out to an inspiring local nature recovery project, to hear their thoughts and to start conversations.

A Day in Nature with Nature North and the Better Business Summit

Nature North is hosting a Day in Nature – an impact day at a Little Woolden Moss (just 30 minutes by train from Manchester City Centre). We invite you to join us in our efforts to restore this peatland an important carbon sink on your doorstep. We may not guarantee the weather, but we assure you an inspiring experience that will leave a lasting impact on you and the natural world.

About Little Woolden Moss

Sphagnum moss, common lizards and dragonflies are reclaiming these once-exploited peatlands, whose scars are only just beginning to heal. Purchased by Lancashire Wildlife Trust more than six years ago, Cadishead Moss is now a haven of greenery thanks to the fantastic restoration work of our staff and volunteers. Little Woolden Moss, saved from peat extraction in 2012, still has a long way to go, but we are already seeing sphagnum moss and cottongrass recolonising the reserve, proving it is a true peatland.

Getting there

We will arrange return transport from Irlam train station, pick up at 9:30, drop off 15:30.
Please wear suitable outdoor clothing for cold and wet weather and bring a drink and packed lunch.

With many thanks to Lancashire Wildlife Trust who are running this session in collaboration with Nature North.

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