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Second Wave of Speakers Announced! #BBS24

We’re revealing our Second Wave of Speakers for Better Business Summit 2024!

Buy your tickets here

Join us at Manchester Met University on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th for two days packed with workshops, panels and keynote speeches. Engage with like-minded individuals in networking sessions and explore innovative ideas in our exhibition spaces.

The summit doesn’t end in the lecture halls. On Friday 19th January immerse yourself in a day of nature-based activities, fostering reflection and connection with fellow attendees and the world we strive to make better.

Meet some of our #BBS24 speakers:


This second wave of speakers represents a convergence of expertise spanning the Future of Cities, Future of Food, Future of Work, Future of Society, and Future of Economy.

Each speaker brings a unique perspective and a commitment to catalysing positive change. And there are STILL more Speakers to announce!

After the sold-out success of our 2023 conference, we’ve expanded capacity for a three-day event that promises to inspire action and ignite change.

See you in Manchester for an unforgettable experience!

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