(M) Online Power Hour: How to Brand Your Business & Win More Clients


This is a Member Event and is not being run by the Better Business Network Find branding and marketing a minefield? If you’re stuck and need a step-by-step method to create a brand that sells, Catherine Oliver is here to help! If you have a business, or you’re thinking of starting one, you’ll probably spend […]

(M) Online Roundtable: Managing Social Anxiety & Hypersensitivity in Business


This is an external member event and is not being run by the Better Business Network How many times in your business do you find social anxiety stopping you from attending networking events or setting up meetings? Do you find that hypersensitivities leave you feeling vulnerable to rejection and fearful of big emotions, so you […]

(M) Online Roundtable: How Can We Create Businesses That Allow Us To Unmask?


This is an external member event and is not being run by the Better Business Network. Throughout our careers, many of us neurodivergent folks learn to mask in order to feel accepted, be seen as “professional” and avoid stressful misunderstandings and negative criticism. Instead of feeling like we belong, we end up forcing ourselves to […]