What Is A Sustainable Communications Agency?

Sustainability communication is a strategy designed to enhance the profile of an organisation’s environmentally responsible activity. Sustainable Communications Agencies work with companies that already integrated sustainability into their operational and strategic activities, so essentially you should already be a business for good.

A big part of creating sustainable development in any industry is to show your investors and customers that you are really working towards your sustainability commitments – something we recently wrote about in our blog on how a Sustainability Impact Agency can help to increase your sustainable development.  

An honest sustainable communication strategy will showcase your company’s contributions to environmental or social causes.


How To Work With A Sustainable Communications Agency?

A company’s sustainability strategy involves a thorough look into both the external environment and its own internal operations and strategies. A company that wants to employ such an agency should already have good sustainable practices and needs to help with communicating it. 

A Sustainable Communications Agency will promote and spread awareness about all the good work the company is doing or did. 

First, the Sustainable Communication Agency will create a successful communication strategy that tightly defines the target audiences and develops the message appropriate to them based on the company’s strategies and desired goals. 

They will then choose between a number of traditional and digital channels to increase impact and outreach then begin to push to the message.


Avoid ‘Greenwashing’

Greenwashing refers to a problem where companies try to appear more sustainable than they actually are through the use of various marketing tools. 

When creating your message to be used by a sustainable communication agency, be honest and DO NOT over exaggerate what you may have achieved to seem greener. It is a risk that companies should avoid at all costs. 

Companies in the UK could potentially be charged for greenwashing and investors will look for companies’ sustainability communication messages and actions before they buy a stake in a company. 

Sooner or later investors and other stakeholders will certainly know about the truth about your sustainability.

To learn more about becoming sustainable or how to avoid greenwashing, please get in touch by emailing us directly at info@betternotstop.com

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