We're Relaunching the Better Business Network ๐Ÿš€

๐ŸŒฑ Today is World Environment Day. To celebrate, we are officially announcing the relaunch of the Better Business Network

Weโ€™ve been working hard for the last six months to improve the value to our existing members and make sure that we have the ability to grow our amazing community.

Why have we relaunched? Whatโ€™s changed?

๐Ÿš€ First things first. We have been working with one of our BBN Members AndAnotherDay to redevelop our membership platform, both in design and to improve our Members experience.

We have:

  • A new approach to onboarding, so we can guide you along your journey to increasing your positive social and environmental impact, wherever you are
  • A brand new Business Directory, so our Members can be easily signposted to work and connect businesses that share their values – searchable by industry or even accreditation (i.e. B Corp Certified)
  • An easier and faster way to add members of your team to the Network to get as much value for your whole business
  • Redesigned the Members Area, making it more accessible and simple to navigate – including making the tools and resources section searchable by topic and keyword (i.e. Climate Knowledge or Impact Giving)
  • Added new valuable tools, resources and workshops to the Members Area for our Members to learn from
  • Made it quick and easy to update account and payments details, business directory information, download VAT invoices for any payments or even upgrade your membership tier as and when your company grows in size.
  • Introduced a tiered system to membership, dependent upon the size of your business making us accessible to businesses of all sizes

What else are we up to

๐Ÿ” We’ve collaborated with our friends at Avery & Brown and OPEN Media to help produce the latest version of the Regenerative Business Mind Map. This free resource is meant to be a source of inspiration for starting your journey. It gives you an incredible starting point on the crucial aspects you’ll need to address if you want your business to go beyond sustainable values, and ensure you make a positive contribution to society and the planet.

๐Ÿ˜ŠThroughout June we’ll also be sharing plenty of testimonials, stories and experiences from our Members as part of our campaign. You can read a number of testimonials on our website here, or watch some video testimonials on our Youtube here.

We want to show you why if you care about using your business to create a better world, you should join the Better Business Network.

Interested? Check out our latest Membership Pack that tells you a little more about who we are, what we do and why we do it.


Join the Better Business Network Here