Why We Support ClientEarth

The Better Business Network is a community for like-minded businesses that want to create positive action. We love to shout about other purpose-driven brands and organisations that are creating positive action and working as a force for good in the world.

Our membership fees are spent transparently. At least 30% focused on supporting high impact nonprofits and positive impact projects. We share our financials with members every quarter in our Stakeholder meetings.

ClientEarth is one of those organisations. One we’re proud to support.

What Is ClientEarth?

As an environmental charity, ClientEarth use the power of law to hold governments and other companies to account over climate change, nature loss and pollution.

Founded in 2008 by James Thornton, the charity is made up of lawyers and environmental experts whose goal is “to change the system for a brighter, healthier future.”

ClientEarth uses the law to protect life on earth. They work to bring about end-to-end systemic change. The charity informs, implements and enforces the law; advising decision-makers on policy, and training legal and judicial professionals.

Successes so far have included ClientEarth blocking Europe’s largest planned coal plant and preventing the destruction of Europe’s oldest forest (protecting wildlife like wolves, bears and lynx). Alongside they force governments across Europe to clean up air pollution.

They have pressured the world’s largest multilateral lender to withdraw funding for fossil fuels. Their work has also forced big polluters to come clean about their climate impacts. As well as all of this, they also support environmental legal professionals and organisations to work effectively to protect the planet.

Why We Support ClientEarth

Everything we do here at The Better Business Network is about supporting businesses for good. A business for good is a business that helps to improve the quality of people’s lives while also helping to protect our planet – all while running as a successful business. While ClientEarth is a charity, the work they do certainly fits with our definition of a business for good. This is why we support them.

ClientEarth work across borders, systems and sectors. Their work doesn’t discriminate, it’s inclusive. They use the law to fight climate change and tackle pollution; defending wildlife as well and protecting people and the planet.

The team at ClientEarth say that they believe the law is the most powerful tool available in the fight to protect life on earth. Since their founding in 2008 they’ve been able to use this tool to tackle global challenges. In 2017, ClientEarth was named the ‘UK’s most effective environmental organisation’ by the Environmental Funders Network.

There are two points that ClientEarth make when discussing the environmental crisis that we currently face:

  • The environmental crisis is too big to be addressed bottom-up.
  • There needs to be industry transformation and governments have to be held to account.

We here at The Better Business Network could not agree more with the above. This is why we support ClientEarth and work that they do.

As they say at ClientEarth: “Once something becomes law, it becomes enforceable. Shortly afterwards, it becomes common sense.”

If you would like to learn more about ClientEarth please see the video below, or visit their website.

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