What is the Better Business Network and why you should join our purpose-lead business community?

The Better Business Network is the only purpose-led business community that is focused on getting businesses to where they want to be while increasing their social and environmental impact.  Join […]

Recommended Reading Book Club

We’ve said it before; taking responsibility for how we choose to work and live is the first step in how we can all make the world a better place, and […]

Recommended Productivity Tools

We all know the feeling of not having enough hours in the day – of tasks piling up, emails filling up the inbox and to-do lists stretching over multiple pages. […]

Ways To Reward Yourself For Achieving Goals

When you’re running a business, or trying to make a lifestyle change (possibly to live and work in a more sustainable way), it can be difficult to keep going even […]

Goal Setting – 5 Reasons To Set Goals In Your Business And 5 Ways To Stick To Them

​It might seem obvious but it bears repeating; business owners who stick to their goals are more likely to succeed. Simple, right?But as we all know (and proven by research […]

Why We Started The Better Business Network

When the World Health Organisation classified occupational burnout as a disease we knew that we had to find a way to help business leaders grow their impact without negatively affecting the wellbeing […]

12/12/2022: Economic Plans and Assessing Sunak’s Green Credentials

This blog post is exclusive content for Better Business Network Members only.